We are half way to spring here in the northern hemisphere and if that's not a cause for celebration ...!
This week we've been loving pulling together a special piece on 'beginning ballet' in collaboration with Harlequin floors - I am a strong advocate for dancing at any age and in particular dispelling the myth that ballet isn't for everyone. It is for EVERYONE who wants to give it a try :)
I've heard that wearing DBA is the perfect look for your first class, but that's another story ... right now let me introduce you to M
(It started like this)
…Like many, the pandemic had made me shift my business to ‘working from home’, I’d turned 60 in January, my daughter had encouraged me to stop dying my hair… then she suggested ballet, from home!
Beginning something new at any age always creates a lot of questions, but it felt like quite an undertaking to take on a profession that I'd always associated with youth and athleticism - as a person who’s previous activity had never been formalised into a sport and hair is totally white!

I was a bit nervous needless to say, but I do admit that I’ve secretly (or perhaps not quite that secretly) always wanted to dance ballet!

(4 months into my new ballet lifestyle...)
it's now a hobby that I tell people about, the highlight of my week, and an exciting set of challenges to continue to work on.
I would honestly encourage everyone to give it a go; exercise, music, community, challenge, what's not to love? Even on zoom it’s rewarding, although I am now looking to supplement this with local classes so I can dance more often!
I am no longer worried about whether I’ll get anywhere or how I look. I’ve learnt in fact that it's really interesting at any level and I look forward to building on my skills and maybe one day mastering a pirouette and visiting my teacher Dave for a real life class !

(In M's own words)
Was I too old to start?
No- I feel I make progress each week as my teacher starts from getting us to think about our standard daily movements and balances and then develop them into more controlled ballet moves.
Would I feel exposed dressed in ‘ballet gear’?
No, not with the flattering bodysuit from DBA which is so supportive that I don’t need to wear a bra and the cut of the skirt fits neatly and covers the tops of my legs. The designs are beautiful and help me feel like a dancer too!
Would I be able to fit it in my home-office?
Yes easily, as you begin with the Barre and building up the strength of your centre so it doesn’t take much space (my harlequin mat is 1m square and the barre only takes about 10 seconds to construct).
Would it be interesting enough doing it on my own at home just using Zoom?
Absolutely- it is completely absorbing learning the sequences and to then fit them to music is a completely calming escape from the stresses of running my own business.
Would I feel fitter?
Yes. I feel my body gets a good workout and it is tremendously satisfying feeling more in control of my movements already. It’s a great way to improve my strength and posture, since I spend so much time sitting at my desk.