Here's a little snippet of something new and aspirational: A feature with Pia Grace, one of the three muses, who animated the first pieces from my new Birch Tree Collection. I asked Pia about * MIDLIFE CONFIDENCE * Which is how she defines her inspiring blend of lifestyle and style blogging.
'Midlife confidence is something that came back to me after feeling a little lost in my 50’s …

I’ve always worked in retail fashion, after giving up work in my 50’s due to a back problem I found I really missed styling and putting outfits together for my lovely customers. And then I discovered Instagram !

I began by posting pics of my daily outfit which progressed to chatting about them each morning on Stories. I always feel I’m chatting to a group of friends as I get so many lovely messages from my followers, asking for outfit advice or telling me I’ve inspired them to try a new look/style.

Midlife confidence is something that came back to me after feeling a little lost in my 50’s … partly from giving up work, but also I felt I’d entered a different stage of my life and wasn’t sure how I felt about it. As women we go through so many different stages in our lives, and like so many women I found my role had changed, my children were now adults and I wasn’t quite sure what my role was.

Slowly but surely I started to embrace my new stage of life, a feeling of freedom emerged. I’m more confident now than I’ve ever been, as a Teenager I was painfully shy and I look back and wish I hadn’t been as I missed so many opportunities, but now I grab those opportunities and make the most of them !

The same applies to clothing, we can get stuck in a style rut or somehow feel we’ve lost our style … in that case I’d say take inspiration from Instagram or Pinterest and try to recreate a look you like, maybe just taking one element from an outfit and trying it with items you already have. Play around with clothes, fashion should be fun and you should feel comfortable and confident in what you’re wearing. And when you get that right your confidence will shine through.'
Movement wear : Designed by Alice
Photos: Alice Williamson
Featuring: Wilder Botanics Store; Yogi Bare Yoga Mats